A Simon Grant's Home Links Page
This is my home links page.
For a guide to all of my site see
my content index page and my wiki here.
I am at home in Helen's house in Belgium with Ria (closely), Chrisje and her; previously at Lancaster Cohousing. My other home is in Lancaster where one of my daughters lives.
E-mail: asimong gmail.com
(I'll note any change here of course)
phone: +32 485821368 (+44 7710031657 in UK)
Find me in many places with my username: ‘asimong’ or sometimes ‘asimongrant’
I love to bring together the human and the technical. I was an active founder partner of Cetis LLP, a cooperative limited liability partnership established in 2015 from a group that had been working together since before 2000.
I'm now focusing on bringing my 30 year-old dream into reality. From early on I called it “CHOICE”; in 2023, “ReGenMatch”; now I have amalgamated the names into
Over 10 years now since InLOC was over with.