CHOICE interaction screens

  1. Registration process (a dialogue)
  2. User preferences
  3. All the enquiry types (entry point when registered)
  4. Help to choose an enquiry type
  5. An enquiry type, with details of enquiries etc.
  6. Enquiry basics
  7. Enquiry location
  8. location edit
  9. Edit an enquiry
  10. Response to an enquiry
  11. New enquiry question (a dialogue)
  12. A question in an enquiry
  13. A question in all enquiries
  14. Propose modification to a question
  15. Processing to establish correspondence and feedback
  16. Answer or not
  17. My answer
  18. Examine correspondents for enquiry
  19. Look at correspondent or contact
  20. Their answer (with history)
  21. Move to contact correspondent
  22. Open invitations to contact
  23. Established contacts
  24. Break contact with correspondent
  25. Report abuse
  26. My answers and refusals
  27. Answer and muting in different enquiries
  28. My answer history
  29. Answer change confirmation

This is the index to the basic outlines of a set of user interaction pages for the System for CHOICE. They are written using only very basic HTML, so have no functionality – they show simply the kind of information that could be displayed on each page / screen or the system. Pages displayed will often start off much simpler than appears here, because the user will not yet have input the information that requires the space illustrated to display.

A localstorage test allows us to monitor what is in local storage,
and the genui page tests the most basic stuff.

Or see the Information architecture

The pages here adopt the following conventions.

link back here to index; name of page; pages that link to it

Co:?; Enq:?; Loc:?; Q:?; ETy:?; iVis:?;

Information that would be on the screen itself is shown inside the green box.
Links and buttons move you on to whichever next screen you would be taken to.
(Notes within the screen sections are given like this.)
Fields [in square brackets] would be replaced by information from the database.

The rest of each page gives further information about the interaction, including what the user is expected to be doing, and what the system has to do, and details remaining issues. It starts off hidden, but with an icon showing that when you press ...
show info

Diagnostics: ?

you get the rest of the information, and the icon changes coulour – press again and this information will disappear.